Finding balance through humor!
"laughter has been shown to reduce stress, boost the immune system and enhance brain chemistry"
View ArticleChange your life and reduce belly fat! (well, the belly fat stuff is a lie)
I felt very serious and "heavy" after the past few weeks, so I decided to lighten things up a bit with humor. But, it's wise humor!
View ArticleLaughter Yoga: Faking It ‘Til You Make It
What if nothing seems very funny and you can’t find anything to laugh about?
View ArticleDo you have a bad case of the “Supposed To’s”?
We "always get what [we] create, and [we] are always creating." There is no external "review board" out there determining what we are "supposed to" receive or not receive.
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The past couple of days on FemCentral, we’ve been discussing the importance of “following your gut.” Today’s article is for the many of you who have NO IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS.
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